Post-College Life

Life after college...

To after college has been pretty alright. Mainly because I've always worked/interned during my last two years in school, it was a relatively easy transition for me. I took a semester off to work and came back to knock out my last class in August, with an official graduation date of 2009. 

For the record, I hated Baruch. Too much of a "square" school for my liking.  Like literally. People would walk with a stick up their asses. I did meet a lotta incredible people and made some lifelong friendships though. One of my biggest regrets was that I didnt hit up enough bars and clubs. I became an absolute workaholic in my final two years once I figured out what I wanted to do and how to get there. I didnt drink or bug out as much...and now I'm realizing you need that balance. College is the best time for someone to do that because post college, you have more responsibilities...and as an entrepreneur, I can tell you that you have to monitor yourself because you have a brand to protect and uphold. My first two years, I bullshitted and used to play NBA Live and talk shit and all was cool while it lasted...

I've been fortunate to get a job in the industry I've had experience in. The business I co-own does lifestyle marketing and promotions, but my "day job" is in the music publishing industry. I got it through a friend of mine that I've given advice to and that's a testament to the power of networking. There's no point in doing a job if you dont want to be the best @ I've asked my boss if he can recommend me some books on publishing. I just want to stay on top of the game. Being at major labels and marketing firms has shown me a lot and I believe that everything happens for a reason. (I do have a tinge of regret that Sony didnt follow up with me for those three positions. I loved the environment and morale there). I HIGHLY doubt I'll anywhere forever, so I always keep an eye out as part of my exit strategy and it is my first job outta college so....I'm not the smartest person, but I've always been curious about how things work. I think that trait has gotten me farther than I could have if I didnt care. Its psychologically debiliatating to not have a job after college.Its like you spent all that $ for nothing...but you gotta think long term as well. 

My advice to college students is 

  • Stay informed. Go to seminars on campus. You'll meet a lotta people to network with and get good advice from.
  • Stay close with your professors. They can be good for recommendations, refer you to jobs or give you practical advice on the job industry you plan to get into. 
  • USE YOUR CAREER DEVELOPMENT CENTER. I cant stress this enough. 
  • Moderation. Sure you need liquor, girls and "all that"...but you better make sure you dont mess up in class. Balance all that out.
  • Drink and party and "all that". The only time you'll be doing it post college is on the weekends (if you want to be an effective worker)...

I've been told that my resume will look official in a few years Lord willing. I hope it will. 


Russo said...

Great points and advice bro. I can't stand Baruch either, but can't take away from the people I've met and experiences I have had while attending. If it wouldn't have been for these two things, I don't know what would've happened.

I do agree with you in terms of what you advise college students. Those points are extremely important and things people should do if they want to get a spot in a company post grad.

Keep doing your thing man, your on the road to do great things. Don't let anything stop or derail you. Always keep moving forward.


100K said...

Thanks bro!!!

no doubt. Especially in this "recession", students should know what they gotta do to solidify a position for themselves in college. I started out in my junior year...and if i could go back i'da started in my soph year..but if it aint broke i aint gonna fix it...

still and and, keep informed people.