5 Personal Lessons Learned In 2009

This was a big year for me. The Ws outweighed the Ls by a long shot. I met a lotta people who helped aid in my personal growth and went through situations that I learned from. Graduating college was probably the biggest accomplishment this year. I also lost my grandmother and best friend from growing up. All in all, this year was full of wins and here's the 5 lessons I learned from this year:

5. Network doesn't necessarily equal net worth. You can hand out business cards and emails all you want, but if you don't master the art of knowing how to cultivate win win relationships, it's all for naught. I've particularly learned to avoid name dropping when I initially meet people (depending on most circumstances). It's an annoying habit; when people name drop to me and I know the person who didn't mention them, I wonder what else is going on that I don't know about. No use in claiming you know people if you don't have a mutually beneficial relationship with them. Work on showing why you're someone people should be affiliated with.

4. Be humble. You never know what the future holds. It's funny because I went to church all those years, but the lesson didn't get ingrained in me until I got more experience in the industry. I've been through a lot where I could talk shit...but it's always best to be humble. Egomania is disguised insecurity. You NEVER know where you're gonna end up and who you might need to turn to for help. Keep yourself grounded and make sure you can take advice from those who can school you correctly.

3. The strong move silent. People have a natural curiosity. It's human nature. My personal MO is that I'll hammer out the details and then will make an announcement. 1.) I hate forecasting things that don't come to pass, then I gotta save face and 2.) anticipation builds buzz. Marketing 101. Besides, mystery intrigues people. If there's anything I've learned about people I learned from, they all had a common trait-they were important people, yet unassuming...but when they spoke, you felt the need to have them speak more and more on the topic at hand. Besides, no one likes a loud mouth.

2. Say what you mean and mean what you say. Honesty can take you a long way and people will ultimately respect you. Even if it's not what they immediately want to hear, people can appreciate you keeping it 100. We live in a society where people thrive on immediate gratification and the word "yes". Learn how to speak your piece...and stand your ground.

1. Be a man/woman before anything else. A job doesn't make you what you are in my opinion. Neither does a degree. Neither does your house or car or significant other. You must be someone with integrity before anything. This also goes back to honesty. You must be able to be honest with yourself about the situations you go through and your intentions. I recently had a personal crisis where I was faced with a decision...it's one that I've made for the time being that'll ruffle a few feathers, but the fact that I know I'm upfront about it doesn't hold anyone in a position they don't want to be in.

Best wishes of success and blessings in 2010 to you all. Thanks for reading. Peace.


Philly said...

Well Said Brotha

100K said...
