I'm High....

Ya'll know that feeling you get when everything goes right?

I feel good. Orgasmic.

FRSH PULP was a runaway success!We first had the panel featuring City and Fresco from Wealthy Hostage and Ease Daman from Mishka. They were extremely funny and engaging. Next we jumped into the performances by Euro, R.Me and Shalea and ended the night on a very cool networking ambiance Shoutouts to

I really felt more panic averse and confident this time around. I'm normally relaxed and observant looking for the little things in a show but everything went smoothly. I was more happy that people actually were on some networking shit and got to learn more about the fashion game as well as hear some dope performances. Next one will be in late July but we'll be partnering with my dude Ken Fort and Concrete Jungle on an event for the 14th........

Shalea REALLY impressed me. Here's a short vid of her performing for ya!

Here's some pics...

The best part of the night to me was the networking aspect. I often marvel @ how many of us (just from Brooklyn itself) are doing our thing as entrepreneurs or working @ major companies and just doing our thing. We left about an hour's space open just for people to network and push their product. It was definitely cool. Shoutouts to

-Nesha (@NeshasAgenda) http://www.heragenda.com/
-Nick (@NewYorkNick)
-Raeana (@MAISONstylecon) http://thestylecon.blogspot.com/
-Danielle Thornton (@EricSosa 's manager)
-Kenny Fort (@RocWithFort) http://www.fortyfresh.blogspot.com/
-Ebonne (@EB_the_Celeb)
-RIP MC (@RIPMC) http://www.wix.com/rip718/writersblock

July here we come but in the mean time we're working on some stuff for Brooklyn Hip Hop Festival.....Of course, I'll put the info up. As usual, it will be fun and informative. Peaceeeeeeeee


Sup ya'll?

We're gonna have our 3rd FRSH PULP Live event on June 2nd from 7-11 PM @ the legendary Smash Studios. This time around we'll be putting a bit of a conversation into the event as we have the owners of Wealthy Hostage Boutique in Brooklyn coming in and talking about the fashion merchandising and buying game and how they got started. We also have performances from three wonderful unsigned acts: Euro, Shalea and R. Me. Ya'll can RSVP to info@theimgway.com or check out http://frshpulplive.eventbrite.com/.
Hope to see ya'll there.