Batman was a MASTERPIECE. i hate beating a dead horse...but Heath Ledger (RIP) completely did the role of the Joker to a T. dudes outshone Bale as Batman...and i liked this flick because people actually died and got killed. I hate watching superhero flicks where there's a shitload of explosions and bullets and no one sir, you wont get that with this Batman. The psychotic nature of the Joker was done wonderfully. dude wasnt just a maniac committing crime for the hell of it...dude was a scheming, conniving lunatic...and i loved it.
The flick also did a good job with Harvey Dent as the tragic Two Face. I actually felt more drawn to the villians...because Batman is a pretty static character...the villians were pretty much flawed, dynamic characters fueled by some tragedy or another. Joker's puns stole the one scene with some mobsters, he pulls his jacket open, showing the bombs he's armed with. He then quips, with his finger on the pin, "Let's not blow this out of proportion!!!"....dude was a perfectly written character.
Watchin The Wire....
Odds & Ends: February 21, 2025
1 day ago
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