
"They ask me how I'm doing now, tell 'em better than them"-Jadakiss


Pronunciation: \ˈhāt\
Function: noun 
Usage: often attributive 
Etymology: Middle English, from Old English hete; akin to Old High German haz hate, Greek kēdos care
Date: before 12th century1 a : intense hostility and aversion usually deriving from fear, anger, or sense of injury b : extreme dislike or antipathy : loathing
2 : an object of hatred

Hate is SUCH a strong word. At least with dislike, you get a softer connotation. Like your issues could be worked out. Hate comes off like ya'll are mortal enemies who won't stop till the other person is dead in a pool of blood and pus....

Well to start, they say if no one hates on you, you're not doing anything of relative importance. I agree wholeheatedly. But if that's the case, what's the difference between that and constructive critcism?

IMO, at least with constructive criticism, it shows a person cares enough about you to point out your flaws and tell you about them. People have lost the ability to respect honesty. Then again, it's not what you say but how you say it. Hate is just blatant and outright. 

Especially in this business, people have ridiculous egos. I will go on record as saying that artists and assistants are two of the most sensitive groups of people that I've been around in my brief time in show business. Then you have the people who name drop like a muthafucka. Name dropping does have its place; just make sure you and said person are that cool because I've pulled cards/seen people get their cards pulled and it's EMBARRASSING. It just looks dumb if EVERY time you see someone or when you first meet them (unless it's through a mutual friend or something), they're dropping so and so's name. I just look @ people who constantly name drop like "Ok, you know so and so, but they dont even claim you so what's the point?" or "That's funny, he woulda mentioned you" . But artists, ohhhh boy. I've dealt with this a million times:

What the fuck is the point of asking people their opinion if you don't want the truth? I can't stand people with fragile egos. I absolutely can't. That's like a girl asking me if she gained weight and then I look like an asshole for telling her yes. Don't ask questions you don't want the answers to!

I honestly dont really give a damn about other people to "hate" on them. They're gonna do what they want and I'm gonna run my course. God willing, we'll see each other at the top. I'm not perfect and have been told about my flaws plenty of times by people. Selfish, too quiet for my own good (people always like to know what other people are thinking and it jars them to be around silent observers), know it all, "busy" (like idle hands get results), aggressive, you name it. People just have this strange obsession with shitting on other people. I admire consistency. If you dont like someone, don't go and smile in their face. At least keep it 100 and avoid them or just keep them on a need to know basis. I try not to burn bridges because:

For me...I can honestly say that it takes a LOT for me to really "hate" a person. It's a reflection of insecurity if you ask me. From experience, it's usually when I've gone through some WILD drama with them for me to give them that satisfaction and i just want NOTHING to do with them. Like I dont EVEN want them in my radar for something that messed up to potentially happen.Or it happens that you get a good position somewhere or get a good business deal or even get a better mate than the one you were dealing with. All of a sudden, your life's soundtrack becomes a mixture of females gossiping about you and dudes being bitches and talking shit behind your back. All mad you stepped your game up. Especially when you keep people at arm's length, they always find a way to try to weasel back to get back in your life. Speaking from experience.

Then you have the people whose lives are so mundane that they create imaginary haters. You know...

  • That person who swears everyone in her life is against her. Insecure. Usually a victim of bad relationships, romantic and otherwise. Always suspicious. Usually have nothing going on so every move in their life is newsworthy material in their minds. (Note: the adage "Strong move silent, the weak start riots" is true. People don't need to know your every move). They can do no wrong. Egomaniac. Surrounded by Yes Men/women. Gassed up beyond belief. Usually starving for money or recognition. (For the record, being a socialite is lame to me. I got bills. Being on the scene drinking free alcohol and meeting the same ppl over and over  all the time doesn't pay them.)

So all in all, get on your hustle. The money will come as well as the hate....but people even killed Jesus Christ. You can't save everyone.