Random Laughs

I'm a huge clown. Moreso sarcastic, but I like laughing. Until someone says something dumb...

Lately, I've sorta been going through a lot but I had a good convo with a loved one that put a lot in perspective. Back to the clownery. A lotta these are random but they make me laugh and it's MY blog so POW!

^ Me in environmental class earlier this summer messing around.

This made me laugh for some odd reason. Mad random. Musta been from the Charles Barkley vs. Godzilla ad campaign Nike ran a while back.

^Clayton Bigsby's yearbook pic. 

^I used to post this in message boards whenever people would say dumb shit. Ultimate blank stare

^ the irony is staggering. This is why we can't have nice things.


Off that.

^ that's from Religulous, Bill Maher's take on world religions. There's a part where he's just going off about how how the Christmas story was actually taken from an Egyptian myth with bullet points and then abruptly they cut into this scene, where dude with the staff says "STOP, BLASPHEMER!!"....guess you'd have to see it to appreciate it..

^Im not even gonna bother to rationally explain this.

Helluva combo.

Irony at its finest


Hard Work said...

I know that Ed Lover pic is from NT but what's the origin behind it... LOL

100K said...

i have no idea LOL