You Know My Steez

Prolly shoulda done this before but hey...better late than never.

I'm Karsten V. I'm a lotta things, good and bad. I'm a 23 year old Jamerican (Jamaican/American) from Brooklyn, NY, the best borough on earth (even better is that I'm from Flatbush). Welcome to my personal blog and you can also follow me on Twitter @The100kShow

I'm redesigned my blog (well not really, but thanks for the template) as I was getting tired of the bland ass background that my old format had. I also have been going through a lot personally and I just wanted to start new and afresh. 

I blog on impluse as I can be very sporadic so there'll be days when I make multiple posts and days where I'm so busy/lazy to even enter one. I'm not exactly the most PC fellow out there and if you get offended easily, I'd advise you to go elsewhere.  I use profanity when I want and post up provacative videos so...take it for what it's worth. I'm not a perfect person, and as much as I decide to reveal on here, you all will come to accept it for what it is. 

Thanks for reading!